Hey there! First of all, thank you for stopping by. My name is Rizky Muzakki, a born-and-bred Indonesian, part blogger and part portrait artist, who finds his passion through the love he has for cinema. So, yeah, I'd argue that films are the ones that brought me up. Here at EPICinema, I write all about films and why I love them the way they are, how I identify with them, and how they shape me. Ranging from delightful, contemplative, engaging, amusing, menacing, to enraging, the range of cinema has opened a creative, thoughtful horizon that speaks to everyone, including me. This blog, is my way of saying thank you to them. I've been blogging since 2011, that is to say, quite a long, long time ago. But clearly, my love for films has started way back then, and until today it has never been deeper, and I'll never stop thanking them. To end this more appropriately and since I've thanked enough already, let me just say: Welcome! :)
If you'd like to get more interactive with me, I'm also on Letterboxd, so be sure to check mine out!
If you're interested in my portfolio as a portrait artist, I'm on Instagram as well!
If you're interested in my portfolio as a portrait artist, I'm on Instagram as well!